Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Top 10 Reasons It's Great To Be A Work-At-Home Mom

1. Yellow crayons make great highlighters.

2. You can amaze your friends and family with the fact that you can type 63 WPM while nursing your baby and taking an order from your newest client. (Okay, maybe THEY won't be impressed, but YOU will be!)

3. You'll have the most entrepreneurial kids in the neighborhood. Forget about lemonade stands - they'll be CEO's of their own jewelry making business - paying other kids commissions on sales and getting written up in the local papers.

4. No matter how indifferent they may seem, your teenagers LOVE the fact that you are there when they get home.

5. Finger painting unleashes your creativity.

6. In time you will honestly smile from your heart and not have to bite your tongue when people call you a "lady of leisure". If they only knew.

7. Your little ones don't care what you wear to work. (Or even if you've brushed your hair!) In fact, the goofier you look, the better you look in their eyes!

8. When your daughter looks at you with her big baby blues and pleads "Mommy, please don't go to work today." You can instantly answer "Okay!" without asking your boss for permission.

9. Hugging and kissing at work won't get you in trouble with your husband. (With your kids, of course - Come on now!)

And the best reason for being a work-at-home mom ...

10. People will ask you "How do you do it all?" And you'll just give them your best Mona Lisa smile and wonder that very same thing to yourself, but know with all your heart and soul that however you manage it all, it's worth it!


Faezil Aidil said...

rencana yg bagus... teruskan usaha

Rita Earle said...

Hi Razi, I just wanted to say that I think your blog is pretty neat! The Top 10 Reasons It's Great To Be A Work-At-Home Mom was particularly interesting to me as I have a website work from home that I am always looking for new ideas for, and that post got my brain hopping!

Rita Earle said...

Hey Razi this is a pretty cool blog! You make some very good points in The Top 10 Reasons It's Great To Be A Work-At-Home Mom. If you have any interest,take a look at my make money from home site. I hope you might find something to interest you there.