Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Starting a Home Business - Finding the Right One for You!

OK, you've made the decision to start your home business. Great idea ! But..... what do you do now ? I hope that this article will be of great help to you.

1. Find the right business.
One that will be in demand in the years to come. You want a product or service that is honest, consumeable, and offers great value. You may think that your idea for your home-based business is unique. But unless you do some market research, you won't know whether or not your market is already saturated, or whether there is even a strong demand for it.

2. Create a dedicated, quiet office area.
You can't run a business from your kitchen table. A successful business requires a fully equipped home office. If you have an extra bedroom, consider converting it into office space. If you do not have an extra room in your home, try setting up a partition to create an office area. Keep in mind that this area will be tax deductible as well. Also this area should be free of distractions that will keep you from working your business as you should.

3. Develop and maintain an aura of professionalism.
One of the perks of running a business from home is having the option of working in your pajamas, but your customers should not be able to tell that you just rolled out of bed. Maintain normal office hours and a professional demeanor when answering your phone or dealing with customers.

4. The old saying " what happens when you don't advertise?
Nothing ! " is very true in a home based business. Just because you build it doesn't necessarily mean they will come. To be successful, you will need to advertise your new business. Advertising and marketing don't have to be expensive, but they have to be done. I can show you ways to advertise your business at little or no cost.

5. Consider the amazing tax advantages of your home based business.
Almost everything you purchase in relation to your business is deductible. Driving to meet a prospect ? Deduct your gasoline. Take a prospect to lunch ? It's deductible. All of your advertising, all of your office supplies, your cell phone...... and so on. I can show you how to reduce your tax bill substantially every year.

6. Set a schedule and keep it.
The allure of working from home is powerful -- but so is the appeal of spending more time with your family or taking a nap in the middle of the day. Setting a schedule for your workday and sticking to it is critical.

7. Develop a business plan.
Where do you want your business to be in six months? How about in five years? Many small business owners mistakenly think that a business plan is only necessary if they are going to have investors. But businesses of all sizes can use a business plan as a roadmap to success.

8. Use the Internet.
The Internet is the single best way for a home-based business to reach out to prospective customers. If you aren't a Webmaster, look for a business with a professionally built website that can function as an online brochure for your company.

9. Look for an honest product or service that people truly need.
One where you will find the satisfaction of helping others, while also seeing success in your business. An area that I have focused on recently is the health care industry. This industry is in a state of total chaos in this country. Companies and corporations are going bankrupt due to overwhelming health care costs. This industry is changing to consumer driven benefits plans that people can afford. I suggest you take a moment to look at these, as they are the future in health care. 70 % of Americans, for example, have no Dental care.

10. Make a commitment of 2 - 4 years.
Once you have found the business that is right for you, you must stay focused. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your business be.

Don't get discouraged. Many businesses fail simply because their owners got discouraged after a disappointing trial period. You will have to show grit and determination to make your business succeed. Hang in there and do all that you can to make your business the success you know it can be.

If you continue to plant the seeds of your business, you will eventually see them harvested. Most likely it won't happen over night. Build your business for the long haul. It will pay off. One thing to keep in mind through everything is this , it's YOUR BUSINESS ! Don't treat it like a hobby or childs play. It can be wildly profitable for you.

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