Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Starting a Home Business - Finding the Right One for You!

OK, you've made the decision to start your home business. Great idea ! But..... what do you do now ? I hope that this article will be of great help to you.

1. Find the right business.
One that will be in demand in the years to come. You want a product or service that is honest, consumeable, and offers great value. You may think that your idea for your home-based business is unique. But unless you do some market research, you won't know whether or not your market is already saturated, or whether there is even a strong demand for it.

2. Create a dedicated, quiet office area.
You can't run a business from your kitchen table. A successful business requires a fully equipped home office. If you have an extra bedroom, consider converting it into office space. If you do not have an extra room in your home, try setting up a partition to create an office area. Keep in mind that this area will be tax deductible as well. Also this area should be free of distractions that will keep you from working your business as you should.

3. Develop and maintain an aura of professionalism.
One of the perks of running a business from home is having the option of working in your pajamas, but your customers should not be able to tell that you just rolled out of bed. Maintain normal office hours and a professional demeanor when answering your phone or dealing with customers.

4. The old saying " what happens when you don't advertise?
Nothing ! " is very true in a home based business. Just because you build it doesn't necessarily mean they will come. To be successful, you will need to advertise your new business. Advertising and marketing don't have to be expensive, but they have to be done. I can show you ways to advertise your business at little or no cost.

5. Consider the amazing tax advantages of your home based business.
Almost everything you purchase in relation to your business is deductible. Driving to meet a prospect ? Deduct your gasoline. Take a prospect to lunch ? It's deductible. All of your advertising, all of your office supplies, your cell phone...... and so on. I can show you how to reduce your tax bill substantially every year.

6. Set a schedule and keep it.
The allure of working from home is powerful -- but so is the appeal of spending more time with your family or taking a nap in the middle of the day. Setting a schedule for your workday and sticking to it is critical.

7. Develop a business plan.
Where do you want your business to be in six months? How about in five years? Many small business owners mistakenly think that a business plan is only necessary if they are going to have investors. But businesses of all sizes can use a business plan as a roadmap to success.

8. Use the Internet.
The Internet is the single best way for a home-based business to reach out to prospective customers. If you aren't a Webmaster, look for a business with a professionally built website that can function as an online brochure for your company.

9. Look for an honest product or service that people truly need.
One where you will find the satisfaction of helping others, while also seeing success in your business. An area that I have focused on recently is the health care industry. This industry is in a state of total chaos in this country. Companies and corporations are going bankrupt due to overwhelming health care costs. This industry is changing to consumer driven benefits plans that people can afford. I suggest you take a moment to look at these, as they are the future in health care. 70 % of Americans, for example, have no Dental care.

10. Make a commitment of 2 - 4 years.
Once you have found the business that is right for you, you must stay focused. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your business be.

Don't get discouraged. Many businesses fail simply because their owners got discouraged after a disappointing trial period. You will have to show grit and determination to make your business succeed. Hang in there and do all that you can to make your business the success you know it can be.

If you continue to plant the seeds of your business, you will eventually see them harvested. Most likely it won't happen over night. Build your business for the long haul. It will pay off. One thing to keep in mind through everything is this , it's YOUR BUSINESS ! Don't treat it like a hobby or childs play. It can be wildly profitable for you.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Running Your Own Home Business

Everyone dreams of independence and the ability to spend more time with their family. For many this remains just a dream due to financial obligations that send one or both parents to work full time. For single parents, it can be even more difficult or unrealistic to dream about spending more time at home with their children.

Thousands of people do own their own home business, so it must be possible, but can I do it? That’s the question. How do I get started?

First of all, don’t let anyone tell you that you can just jump up right now and quit your day job. Unless you have a nice nest egg put away, you will probably have to continue working your normal job until you are making enough on your home business to move to it full time.

Anything that is worthwhile takes a lot of sacrifice. There are no free lunches. To keep working and start your home business, you will be spending even more time working than you do right now. Your goal is to become independent, but until you are, your workload will increase.

You have to decide how much “sweat equity” you are going to invest in your new home business. That means that you have to invest time in your business. The more time you can invest, the quicker your home business can support you.

You may have to work your eight-hour day at your day job, then put in another 2-4 hours on your home business. It’s like taking a second job. It’s hard, but the rewards are great in the long run. Better than a second job, though, your home business will eventually pay you enough so you can be your own boss full time.

But the whole reason I want to work at home is so I can be with my family. I hear that from people all the time. We all want things right away, but we know the truth is that we have to work a long time to get what we really want.

Once your home business is able to support you and you can quit your day job, you will have more time with your family. Until then sacrifices have to be made. That’s the reality of things.

Now, if you can somehow involve your family in your home business, you have the best of both worlds. With small children that is very difficult to do, however, if your children are old enough they can help you achieve the goals you set together for your home business.

If you have teenagers, they can answer emails, help you make or package up the products you sell, and maybe even help you run your website. Use your imagination for ways you can involve members of your family and not only will you be able to spend more time with them, your home business will succeed even faster than going it alone.

A new home business is not the only way you can work from home. Look for jobs that allow you to work from your home computer. See if your boss has work that you can do from home. You may find that you actually have more money working part-time at home than working full-time at your job.

When you take into consideration auto maintenance, parking, gasoline, buying lunch, and all the other expenses directly related to your job, you may be surprised at how much of your paycheck goes into continuing to work at your current job.

Only you can decide if working at home or starting your own home business is for you. If you are not a person who is truly self-motivated and self-disciplined, you won’t succeed without that boss to push you. If you do have those qualities and truly desire to have more freedom and want to work at home where your family is, then working at home will be a great adventure for you.

You have to be willing to make the sacrifices and do whatever it takes to make your new home business a success, but in the long run, when you are your own boss and your business is a success, you will look back and say it was all worth it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Choosing A Home Based Business Opportunity

Have you recently been giving serious consideration to starting a home business? Well join the club. Thousands of individuals just like yourself are starting home based businesses every month.

The market is wide open and the demand for working from home is getting more and more popular. With many people suddenly finding themselves unemployed because of changes in their work place, many more are also looking at the idea of working from home. This article will offer some suggestions in choosing a home based business opportunity.

Here are five things that will help you decide.

Write Down Some Ideas

Here is where you can be wild and creative. Make three separate lists. First, think about (and write down) everything you ever wanted to do, from home, as your own business. Now list everything that you know you have both interests and talents in. Make a third list of the talents that you have that others might have a need for (marketable).

Do Some Research

After you have that list, go to the internet, and begin to look up various sites that deal with home based businesses. Some of these sites will give you lists of many ideas. Find some of them, and then, using the list that you already made, get more ideas to either add to it, or refine some of your ideas into more specific categories. For instance, say that you have a desire to write. You will find a number of ideas for writers that are home based. You may find resume writer, copywriter, content writer for web articles, and maybe copyediting. You might add in some similar things that you will also see, like website design, or virtual assistant.

Select One Or Two Possibilities

From this list you should now be able to reduce your ideas to one or two that stand out and spark your interests. Do a little more research to do two things: get some ideas about what it will take to get started in that type of business; and, find out how much you might expect to realistically make from that kind of business.

Determine Your Budget

This will help you to see whether or not you should pursue that kind of business, and also what you have to work with for a budget. Some money should be kept aside in the event that things do not go as expected. Plainly speaking, not every home based business is a success.

Get Ready To "Open The Doors"

Once your business is selected, and you know what is needed, then preparation needs to be started. Of course you want to do it right, so, with your budget in mind, start getting ready to open those doors for business. Don't forget your website, and also the advertising.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Enjoying Your Home Business

There are many reasons why many people want to work at home, but the most common reason that home-based business owners cite as the influencing factor in their decision to work at home is the chance to set their own time at their own pace. The odd thing about this is that most people who have worked at home often began their home business with high hopes, and then later forgot what drove them to start a home business in the first place. It would seem they were misguided by their own excitability and fantasy of controlling their time for work and for their personal activities.

It is an undeniable fact that the home-based business industry is a growing industry and it is spreading in scope every year. One must not forget, however, that working at home doesn’t mean you have to stay at home all the time.

Some home-based business owners have been known as workaholics. In many cases, this is due mainly to the fact that they are at home, and so they appear to be working whenever they’re home. These home workers would be well-advised to remember a few important values to work by:

•Don’t get sluggish simply because you control your own time. Do not get imprisoned by your good intentions.

•Don’t be a slave to your business. Remember that you are the boss and being the boss, you have the full power and authority to mold your schedule around your interests.

•Don’t allow yourself to become stagnant, get outdoors and expand. Your home-based business should not be limited to your home. The world is waiting outside for you.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t mean that you have to work on your business twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Find some time for your self. Close the door to your office, and remove your shoes. Lay back and relax. Refresh yourself with a cup of your favorite drink and listen to good music. Or read a book and fire up your imagination.

Remember that you still have your personal life to tend to and that your personal life is the fuel that drives your work life. Being the boss of your home business will certainly require you to expect more of yourself than anyone else ever could, but do not be pressured to achieve so many things in a short time that you never stop to enjoy the journey. Be reminded that the world outside is a beautiful place if you just look out of your windows. Put aside all those stressful concerns and enjoy the benefits of running a home-based business.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

How To Be Effective In Home Business

There is no doubt that many of us want and dream of having our own home-based business. For most parents, a home business may seem to be the answer to their long-time prayers simply because they can now have adequate time for their kids and greater flexibility as well.

For most individuals, they don’t seem to expect that having a home-based business bears a lot of unexpected distractions. Your children, your spouse, your neighbors or even your dog could cause delays and diversions against your work. No matter how you concentrate on your work, you just don’t seem able to take them out of your mind. They make a lot of loud noises, sometimes ask for your help, or even interrupt you to ask a quick question and just long enough that you have lost your concentration. I have learned a lot about this at the home business site at

It’s inevitable that sometimes family and friends won’t understand that you are working at home. Despite your hectic schedule, they still expect you to handle household chores as if you are doing nothing and your business does not seem to exist in their eyes. Sometimes it is very tempting--especially when you see your laundry piling up—to just borrow a little of your working time just to attend the mess.

One of the most effective ways of getting away from this dilemma is to set clear boundaries of space, time and responsibility. You have to remember that your home-based business is a business in nature and you have to treat it with weight. If your family expects you to still run the same household chores that your used to, then try holding a meeting to explain the new order of things to them. This kind of communication will help ensure that you and your family will be able to obtain harmony together.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Finding Your Home-Business Niche

When some folks begin to think about a business of their own, they know in that very moment what kind they are going to start. Then, there are the rest of us...

Knowing that we want to have a business of our own is not enough. Many of us have struggled with the important question of what type of enterprise we would like to start.

Franchises offer a simple pre-packaged money making idea, but the cost of a franchise often makes it a prohibitive option to most folks who contemplate going out on their own.

For those who do not have a million dollars to buy a McDonalds franchise, we must look to other ideas for our own business.

There are literally hundreds of lucrative home business ideas for you to choose from, which will suit every type of personality and all levels of financing. From selling information on the Internet as a infopreneur, to growing delicious gourmet mushrooms for sale to restaurants and catering companies; there is a pile of money to be made by filling a need, for these and a host of other necessary services.

Of course, actually liking what you do, will have a lot to do with the success of your new venture, so be sure to pick a home business that you'll enjoy running and that will keep you motivated.

For example, if you're a math whiz, an accounting or income tax service might be the ideal home business for you to start. Perhaps writing is your forte and you'd like to start your own home based copywriting service or advertising agency. Each of
these businesses can be run successfully--and profitably from the comfort of your own home.

Academia might not be your cup of tea, but maybe you are good with your hands --- having a creative genius where crafts are concerned. Craft items are red-hot sellers at swap meets, country fairs and world wide over the Internet, and they can provide you with solid profits. If crafts don't interest you, then why not start a laundry service with pick-up and delivery, or a shopping service for shut-in's--even a companion service or granny sitter or a doctor shuttle service; any of which, could be much in demand, in and around your neighborhood or community.

When brainstorming new ideas for your future home business, keep in mind the soul of any successful endeavor is providing a product or service that others will actually purchase in quantities. Satisfy the needs of your target market, and your
target market will keep you and your home based business healthy, happy and profitable.

Below are some suggestions for home business ideas that might help you decide on a suitable venture in which to invest.

Multi-level-marketing (mlm), floral/plant service for offices and hospitals, pooper-scooper service, dog walking service, answering service, vending machine service, gift basket service, homemade soap maker, mobile windshield repair service, mobile
tire repair service, income tax specialist, researcher, freelance writer, business card and letterhead designer, courier, shut-in/shuttle service, landscaping service, tree
trimming service, wood crafter, carpenter, crafts and crafting supplies, pool cleaning service, plants/nursery starts, growing herbs, growing mushrooms, garage sale and swap meet vendor, proofreader, private investigator, typing service, interior decorator/designer, website design, wedding consultant, hot lunch/snack vendor at local courthouses, pet sitting service, pet grooming service, Internet entrepreneur, paralegal, gourmet catering service, new media production, mobile cosmetic technician, mobile nail technician, mobile hair stylist, aerobics instructor, personal fitness trainer, advertising consultant, companion service, small printing service.

Ideas, ideas; hopefully the above ideas will give you some fresh ideas of your own to mull over. A spring board if you will, on which to dive into your own chosen home business.

When you work from home, any business you start has the potential to explode into a perpetual gold mine! It just depends on how much your home business is in demand around your community or on the Internet. Your home business might start slow and steady, regularly picking up clients as you become more established. On the other hand, your chosen home business may take off like wildfire, quickly becoming too hot for you to handle by yourself (well done!). This is the time to enlist the help of willing family members to help you out in your time of need, which will make your business into a friendly, family concern. This will also help family members better understand your business and get a grasp on the mechanics of profit.

Good luck in all your decisions and have fun with your home business, which ever one you choose, and don't forget to enjoy your newfound freedom!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Designing Your Home Office

So you have finally decided to work from home and set up your home office? Setting up your home office is one of the best parts of working from home. For the first time in your life, YOU get to choose your desk and where it goes. YOU get to choose the equipment and the supplies. YOU get to choose the chairs and the lamps. This is going to be fun for you. This article will explore the essentials of designing your home office … everything from finding the space to buying the right supplies. You will be spending a lot of time in your office, lets make sure that you design it right.

Finding The Room
Sometimes it is hard to find the right room to place your home office. After all, when you bought your house you probably didn't know that you would be working from home. Look for a room in your house that has the following elements:

1. Separate from household members and distractions
2. Enough room for a desk, chair, equipment, office supplies, and space to think and move around.
3. Enough electrical outlets and power for all of your equipment
4. Phone line (s) available
5. Enough heating and cooling
6. (opt) Windows for sunlight and fresh air
7. (opt) An air vent for good ventilation

In an ideal situation, all of the above elements will be present.

If you choose a room completely separate from other rooms, "defined work space used exclusively for your business" (IRS Tax Code), you can deduct your home office. So it would be better for your pockets to choose an enclosed space of your house that isn't used for family life.

Can't find an open space for your house? Try to use your imagination before you call an architect to renovate or add on to your house. Are there any walk-in closets in your house? How about your basement? You can clean up your garage and park cars on the street. Maybe separating another room with bookshelves might do the trick. If you still can't figure out a way to make space for your home office, maybe you should consider hiring an architect or general contractor to add on to your house or to build an office in your basement or other room. This might be an easy job … just adding a wall to make one room into two. Or you might land up spending quite a bit of money. I recommend not getting carried away until your business is running smoothly for at least 6 months.

Layout Plan
It isn't time to go shopping yet; rather it is time to get out the graph paper, rulers, and pencils. Before we buy furniture and equipment we will need to map out our office, in other words make a layout plans. Have a family member help you measure the length and width of the room and the height and width of the doorway. On your piece of graph paper draw the room in the right proportion. Then consider all of the equipment and supplies that you will need to run your business. Here are my suggestions:

1. Chair
2. Desk
3. Filing Cabinet
4. Bookshelves
5. Telephone(s)
6. Computer
7. Fax Machine / Copier / Scanner
8. Storage Bins
9. Pens / Pencils
10. Paper
11. Binders
12. Folders
13. Staples, Binder Clips, Paper Clips
14. Envelopes
15. Media Storage Devices (Zip Disks, Floppy Discs, CDs, etc)

Think ahead, is there anything else that you might need? Now, map out on the graph paper where you want to place each of these items … design away! Remember, you will be spending much of your time in your office, try to make it a place that you will enjoy visiting or you might dread working. For this reason, the way that you design your home office can make or break your freelance business.

Keep the following in mind when designing your home office.

1. Only paint with neutral colors, or the paint will overpower your furniture and you will become distracted
2. Don't jam tons of furniture and equipment into your office unless totally necessary. Having too much clutter is one reason you might not want to visit your office.
3. If you are easily distracted, don't put your desk in front of a window.
4. Place your bookshelf, filing cabinet, and telephone at arms reach
5. Place your desk near the electrical supply and phone lines
6. Get personal and add your personal touch to everything. This will create a more inviting atmosphere for you.
7. If there is enough room, add a love seat or reading chair for you when you need a change of scene.

Go Shopping
Now the fun part … shopping! Whether you decide to shop online or in a conventional store, don't forget your items list and layout plan. As you shop for items, take their measurements and draw them on your plan to make sure that they fit. A few online stores that you can look at are:

What To Look For In Each Item
1. Desk / Workstation - Since the invent of the computer, one small desk is no longer enough. A workstation is a more appropriate term now. Depending on what your profession is, you will need desk space for your computer, and then more desk space for administrative work. Think about what type of equipment you will need are where it will go. How much room do you have for a desk? Usually your best option is to get an "L" desk. What I mean by this is choose your favorite desk, and then choose a smaller desk that can be placed perpendicular to the main desk. The big desk is perfect for your computer equipment, and the smaller desk can be kept clear for your writing surface.

Make sure that you choose a sturdy desk that you can keep for a long time. It is better to dish out a few more bucks now then to have to replace your desk in a year. Also, find a desk that is at a height that is comfortable for you.

If you don't have enough money to buy a new desk, try visiting the Salvation Army or a used furniture store to save money. You might also try building a desk from items you already have or need. You can use a door on top of filing cabinets, bookcases, milk crates, or another item.

2. Chair - You chair is one of the most important items in your office. If you purchase a cheap chair, you could hurt yourself or hate working in your office. Choosing a good chair reduces fatigue and other pains that occur when posture is bad for long periods of time. Buy an adjustable chair (height, armrests, back angle, and lumbar support) so you can enjoy your office and avoid pain and injuries.

3. Bookshelf - How big your bookshelf needs to be depends on how much room you have left in your office after your workstation and chair are in place. My suggestion is to install your bookshelf right behind and above your desk. This way books are always at arms reach and you saved yourself a lot of room. Purchase as big of a bookshelf as you can. You will be surprised how fast it fills up.

4. Filing Cabinets - You will want to purchase at least a four-drawer filing cabinet. It is crucial that your filing system is organized and easily available.

5. Telephone - It is important to get a telephone that has a hold and speaker button. It is a good idea to get a separate line for the telephone and fax / modem.

6. Computer - The computer will most often be the most expensive piece of equipment you purchase for your office. Because of the large amount of variables involved we have devoted a whole separate articles just on this topic. Briefly, however, here are a few suggestions. These are broad strokes, read the full article for specifics.

Your first decision is going to be the operating system for the computer. Unless you have a reason to choose otherwise, you are going to be looking at a Mac or a Windows machine. If you have experience on one platform you should stick with it. When you are working on your own without any kind of system support you want to use a computer you are comfortable with. All things being equal, if you are a graphic designer or desktop publisher use a Mac, anything else get a PC.

The second decision is who to buy the machine from. Keywords here are reliable, reliable, reliable. If you are buying a Mac purchase straight from Apple. If you are buying a PC make your purchase from Dell. You may be tempted to buy from a no-name or even somewhere with a good reputation because the price is mouth watering. It's your eyes that will be watering when your computer stops working at one A.M. with a looming deadline. You want good support; Dell is rated as the best over and over by all the publications that count.

Since we are on the topic of support … buy the service contract. If you are buying a Mac, that support is three years of "Applecare". If you don't buy straight from Apple your reseller may try to convince you their private support is as good, or even better. To keep it short, THEY ARE WRONG! I am yet to find third party support that beats Apple's. I have always found it to be worth the money. As for Dell, purchase the three years of onsite support. If you can afford to be without your computer for a few days you can save a bit by using their mail in service, but who can afford to lose those days.

Finally we are left with the computer's configuration. This was probably your first question, but for most of you it is probably the least important. For the most part computer power is far superior to the software that can run on it right now. Since new systems are constantly brought to the fore we can't give specific numbers. The best buy for the money is usually going to be a based on the company's mid-level offering. The cheapest way to increase power in your system is by adding RAM, make sure the computer you purchase has at least 128 mb. If you are a designer that minimum is 256 mb.

I hope this article has helped you plan out and design your office. Once you have purchased all necessary items, move them on in and start your freelance business. Good Luck.